THTR 101 Dramatic Analysis
Actors work on the text: analysis in rehearsal of scripts drawn from contemporary realism for dramatic characterization.Corequisite: THTR 102, THTR 103, THTR 105.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 102 Movement I
Basic training for the actor’s body for expression and communication. Awareness and control through mind-body techniques.Corequisite: THTR 101, THTR 103, THTR 105.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 103 Acting I
Basic principles and techniques of acting through theatre games and improvisation. Introduction to contemporary texts, basic characterization and cold reading techniques.Corequisite: THTR 101, THTR 102, THTR 105.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 104 Introduction to Theatrical Production
Introduction to the nonperformance areas of theatrical production (administrative, design, and technical fields) through hands-on participation in productions.Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
THTR 105 Voice I
Physiological mechanism of voice: breath control, phonation, resonance, articulation of language for the stage; expressive use of stress, intonation and rhythm.Corequisite: THTR 101, THTR 102, THTR 103.
Instruction Mode: Lecture, Lab
THTR 201 Theory and Practice of World Theatre I
A multicultural and transnational examination of the history, theory and practice of theatre from its origins to the age of Shakespeare and Zeami.A multicultural and transnational examination of the history, theory and practice of theatre from the Renaissance to the 19th Century.
A multicultural and transnational examination of the history, theory and practice of theatre from the late 19th century to the present date.
Instruction Mode: Lecture, Discussion
THTR 202 Movement II
Training of the actor’s body with focus on development of precision and strength.Training of the actor’s body with focus on mask work for the development of precision, strength and expressiveness.
Prerequisite: THTR 102;
Corequisite: THTR 203, THTR 204.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 203 Intermediate Acting I
Continuing development of imagination leading to an increased range of dramatic expression through the formalized text of William Shakespeare.Prerequisite: THTR 103.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 204 Voice II
Development of the voice using material which explores the techniques of Shakespeare and his contemporaries.Prerequisite: THTR 105;
Corequisite: THTR 202, THTR 203.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 301 Physical Theatre I
Actor training anchored by rigorous physical movements. Activities include comedy, clowning, juggling, and mask work.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 302 Intermediate Acting II
Further development of range and breadth of performance skills with emphasis on texts of heightened language and style.Corequisite: THTR 301, THTR 303.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 303 Intermediate Voice
Extended development of vocal freedom and range, acquisition of articulate speech. Enhancement of vocal power and resonance, techniques for performing with a dialect.Corequisite: THTR 301, THTR 302.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 304 Theatre Practicum
Substantive participation in productions sponsored by the school and supervised by the faculty.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 305 Directing
Examination of basic directorial principles. Pre-production analysis and rehearsal procedures; relationship of the director to actor; integration of technical aspects of production.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 306 Playwriting I
Essential elements of playwriting through weekly assignments, students’ initiative, occasional productions of scenes, and extensive classroom analysis.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 307 Introduction to Modern Drama
An investigation of the ideas, forms, genres, and thematic concerns of modern drama. Equal emphasis is placed on the plays and their historical contexts.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 308 Greek and Roman Theatre
Examines the function of theatre, production and acting conventions, and the drama of classical Greece and Rome.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 309 Shakespeare in His World
The plays and theatre of Shakespeare, the influences on his work and his contemporary world.Recommended Preparation: THTR 201.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 310 Comedy of Manners
Study of the development of Comedy of Manners, with primary focus on Restoration Comedy of Manners.Recommended Preparation: THTR 201.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 311 Advanced Topics in Modern Drama
20th century realism and the avant-garde.Recommended Preparation: THTR 201.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 312 Drama as Human Relations
A focus on American ethnic and multicultural diversity from the perspectives of gender, race, and myth as revealed in plays, film, and other performance media.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 313 God, Drama and Entertainment
An exploration of money, power, sex and love in relation to secular and spiritual values represented by contemporary theatre media.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 401 Physical Theatre II
Advanced Physical Acting focusing on principles of verbal/non-verbal improvisation and communication. Elements of textual analysis, including development of character mask and of the ensemble.Prerequisite: THTR 301.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 402 Advanced Acting
Contemporary material from plays and screenplays with an emphasis on individual challenges and problems.Prerequisite: THTR 302;
Corequisite: THTR 401, THTR 403.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 403 Advanced Voice
Continuation of exercises related to the individual student for the stage.Prerequisite: THTR 303.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 404 Senior Showcase
Designed to provide the graduating students with an opportunity to select, prepare and perform for agents, directors and producers in film, television and theatre. Audition required.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 405 Performance for Camera
Structured to address the dynamics of acting in relation to film/television. Refining the students’ understanding of the similarities/differences between acting on stage/film.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 406 Advanced Theatre Practicum
Intensive participation in a production sponsored by the school and supervised by the faculty, to increase and develop artistic growth.Prerequisite: THTR 304.
Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 407 The Performing Arts
An interdisciplinary inquiry into the aesthetics of the performing arts. Examines a dramatic classic and its adaptation into musical theatre, opera, ballet, and film.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 408 Acting Theory
Examination of the theoretical foundations of acting as an art form through the reading of primary historical texts.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 409 Performing Identities
This course explores the live performance medium as a creative means of social redress and personal expression.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 410 Theatre on the Edge
An exploration of the art of theatre at the edge of possibilities.Instruction Mode: Lecture
THTR 411 African American Theatre, Dance, and Performance
A survey of African American theatre and cultural performance traditions as a reflection of both African American culture and American history.Instruction Mode: Lecture