Hollywood International Youth Film Festival 2019
姓名Name |
别名Name |
姓别Gender |
护照证号Passport |
电话Phone |
手机Phone |
微信 |
电子邮箱E-mail |
参评作品Title of entry |
名称Name |
时长Duration |
备注Remarks |
作者简介:Brief introduction of participants(可附表另写The other writing) |
落地行程费用:Landing trip cost |
美金USA dollar:$ 5500 大写金额:五千伍佰零拾零整 备注:此费用为每个人落地3天的吃住行费用。This fee is the cost of food, accommodation and transportation for each person who arrives on the ground for 3 days |
汇款方式:method of remittance |
美国: 收款银行:Bank of America ABA/Routing # (美国银行):121000358 Bank Account 账号 # :325092472978 SWIFT(银行国际代码):BOFAUS3N Wire Routing # /汇款路径号码:026009593 Account holder 开户名称:America Hollywood Film Academy 地址:Bank of America, N.A,222 Br oadway,NewYork, NY 10038 中国: 收款银行:中国工商银行崇文广渠门支行 银行卡号:621226 020004 4910202 开户名称:冯程昱 银行地址:北京市崇文东花市南里东区15号楼一层,电话010-87103507 注:为安全,所有款项必须保留汇款底联(最终确立参评依据)Note: in order to be safe, the bottom copy of remittance must be retained for all payments (the basis for the final evaluation shall be established). |
Signature of participant |
美国好莱坞电影学院 American Hollywood Film Academy 2018好莱坞国际青年电影节组委会 Organizing committee of 2018 Hollywood international youth film festival |
电话:Phone 18610270424 15901314620 E-mail:hollywoodvip@126.com