Robert E.Schuenemann

英文名:Robert E.Schuenemann
美国好莱坞电影学院院长、 资深英语教授 、音乐教授
精通多种乐器:萨克斯、 长笛、 单簧管、 喇叭、 长号、 次中音号、 小提琴、 中提琴、 大提琴、 贝斯、 口琴、 钢琴、 大号、 低音喇叭、 各种打击乐、 声乐演唱等。
学士学位 - 音乐专业、 英语专业 、德语专业;
硕士学位 - 托福(英语第二语言)教育专业;
Cal State San Bernardino Bachelor Degree as Major in Music
Major in English - Creative Writing
Major in German
TOEFL as Master Thesis of Master Degree in Cal State San Bernardino
Fluent in various instruments: saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, violin, viola, cello, bass, harmonica, piano, tuba, sousaphone, all percussions, vocals, etc.
Certificated teacher of English (ELL, ELD, TOEFL), and Music,
Leader and founder of "The David Roberts Group - A Jazz/R&B/Blues Band;" Co-founder of the Christian Jazz/Funk Band: “Forgiven."
Former director of instrumental music at Norte Vista High School in Riverside,CA Former director of Instrumental Music - Oxford Preparatory Academy in Chino. Teaches private lessons at Music & Art Center